
How To Install Minecraft Mods On Phone

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Ok the new launcher has come through and anybody should have it now, so i'm gonna re-write this postal service to update it for this blog (this blog is for windows only, however it is probably the same-ish for mac and linux)

Programs I volition be using

Microsoft Windows 10 (use an Bone of your choice, this works with XP, Vista, 7,viii,10)
Java (latest)
Winrar (7zip and winzip also work)
Google Chrome (any other web browser also works)
Minecraft (coffee edition, this is not a tutorial for bedrock)
Notepad ++ (my prefered method to edit config files, but not explained in this tutorial)

Installing Forge

Ok so well-nigh mods nowadays crave Minecraft Forge in lodge to be used, Forge is a modding API which makes information technology easier to create mods, and makes it easier for mods to exist compatible and work alongside each other.

So first nosotros are going to download Minecraft Forge, to do this go to
and it will bring you to this website.

How to Install Mods to Minecraft (Java Edition)

Now select the version y'all want to download. I know one.11 is the latest version of Minecraft just I actually want i.x for the mod I am installing, so i'm gonna click on 1.x. when you hover owner it yous are given the choice of what version you want. In this case I am picking 1.ten.2

How to Install Mods to Minecraft (Java Edition)

now you have 2 options, Latest or recommended. Recommended is the version of Forge they recommend you use, and the Latest Version is the latest version of forge for that Minecraft version.

Mods require all different kinds of versions of forge, considering of this I e'er download the latest version, particularly when running multiple mods equally some may require different versions of forge, this ways they are all compatible again

When y'all download y'all have 5 options


out of these you lot either download Installer or Installer-win, none of the others affair to you

I personally prefer the Installer, its a java based installer compatible with all operating systems

click on it and be taken to the download link

exist very careful, the download link is an Adfocus link which is a website that gives the creators of forge money each fourth dimension information technology is clicked on, nevertheless never click on the adverts, they are extremely dodgy adverts that usually contain malicious programs such as adware and in some instance malware, Adblock is recommended, however nowadays lots of these revenue generating links do not allow yous to go along if you have Adblock enabled.

I do not have Adblock enabled even so Malwarebytes has blocked the advert for me as information technology has been detected has harmful. Ignore all the adverts and click the skip button in the top correct hand corner of the screen.

How to Install Mods to Minecraft (Java Edition)

A new update to google chrome seems to detect all .jar files as harmful, In this case click on "proceed" to keep the file

Locate the file in wherever your files download to, in my case it is in my downloads folder

now run the installer. In lodge to do this you lot volition need Java to exist installed, if the file is not opening right click on it, select open with and select Coffee NOTE, Please Brand Certain You lot Accept THE VERSION OF MINECRAFT INSTALLED FOR THE VERSION OF FORGE YOU ARE INSTALLING OR IT WILL NOT Work, IF Yous ARE UNSURE HOW TO DO THIS PLEASE REFER THIS THIS FORUM POST

yous will be greeted with this window, select install customer

information technology is your choice if yous want Mercurius installed or non. Mercurius is a "very uncomplicated, transparent and open up Analytics modern for Minecraft to allow the community to openly gain inside into the versions of Minecraft out there. The mod strictly respects Snooper settings. "

The data nerveless by the mod:

  • SessionID - Random identifier created with SecureRandom and SHA256 iterated v times. Value is reset every time the game restarts.
  • AdID - Random identifier created with SecureRandom and SHA256 iterated 5 times. Value is constant for each Minecraft case. The value is computed on offset run of Minecraft with the modernistic installed.
  • JavaVersion
  • Allocated Memory and Max retentiveness
  • Minecraft Version
  • MCP Version
  • Forge Version
  • Active mod count, full modern count
  • ModPack - custom value defined in forgeanalytics.cfg assuasive modpack creators to place their packs.

(taken from )

I personally don't install information technology, but again it is your choice, to choose not to take information technology, just untick the box, press OK when y'all are set up, there will be a progress bar for a few seconds then you will get this bulletin

At present forge is installed you tin select it every bit a profile , do this by clicking on the arrow next to your play button and selecting the profile called forge then click play and let it load up

now on the Minecraft dwelling screen there will be some new text and a new push,

the chief thing is the mods button, if yous click on it it will show you the mods y'all accept installed to your game. Now you can close down Minecraft and now we can install a mod

Installing a Modern

The mod I am going to install is Journey Map by techbrew, it is a very useful modern and you lot tin can find it hither nowadays lots of Minecraft mods are hosted on expletive,merely they are all installed the same way

first download the modernistic by pressing the "Download Now" Button

and then expect 3 seconds and it will download

like with forge, if you are a google chrome user you will need to say "go along"

the mod volition now exist in your downloads binder (if you are very special you tin can see I have the incorrect version of journey map for my forge version)

instead of running it like nosotros did to forge, you lot volition demand to navigate to your Minecraft binder to get to the default location open your start menu and blazon %appdata%

click on the binder it shows to open your roaming folder (I tin can guarantee yours will not be filled up with every bit much stuff every bit mine is, you lot want to open .minecraft

once again because I take run mods in the by yours may look different to mine only the principal folders from forge volition be at that place open the file called "mods"

if there is not a folder called mods create a new folder and call information technology "mods" the folder will be empty

from your downloads folder take mod file (in my case it is journeymap) and drag it into the mods folder

close everything and open up Minecraft and launch with forge to the main card,to check if the mod is installed click on the "mods" button equally you tin can see journeymap is listed there

I tin can double check to meet of it is working in-game by opening a globe and equally y'all can encounter there is now a mini-map in my game

whatever questions or queries please enquire, i'chiliad sure I'll be able to help, if not I can certainly direct you to places that tin

if you are unable to
navigate to your .Minecraft folder for whatever reason another fashion to open it is every bit follows.

Launch Minecraft to the main menu

select "options"

select "resources packs"

select "open resource pack folder"

then when the window opens navigate back to .Minecraft from there

Rewrote entire blog for new minecraft launcher/versions


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